How To Thrive With An Empty Nest: 33 Things To Do After The Kids Leave Home

It is completely normal for you to experience grief-like symptoms prior to the day arriving when your child leaves home. Anxious anticipation can also accompany grief as you gear up to let your child go out into the world as an adult. Typical grieving symptoms include crying, feeling on edge, difficulty sleeping and change in appetite.

As a single parent, you may have a different type of relationship with your child in comparison to two-parent families. You and your child may rely more heavily on each other, may provide more emotional support for one another, and may be more enmeshed when it comes to decision making. Gabrielle has an advanced therapy degree and multiple years of experience dealing with family and mental health issues. She also uses her personal experience with her own family to provide family guidance. Keep dating your spouse – Of course, one of the biggest pieces of advice we could give you is to never stop dating your spouse! Frequent date nights are so important to help keep the lines of communication open and stay connected on an emotional and physical level.

Two of these years I’ve been living as an empty nester. During this time I have not built a community around me. I’ve made friends- have friends in the area- but I’m not part of a community. But without the trainer cuz ya know, money. For at least a while, you might cherish all the time. Do you want to go to the gym at 6 AM on Monday, 3 PM the next day and 7 PM the next?

Some moms think empty nest syndrome is liberating, some feel, well, empty and sad. Either way, it’s real AF.

Think about the places you’d like to see and make it happen. This could mean a long weekend away somewhere, or maybe a longer journey halfway around the world. Exploring new places on your own is a great way to get out of your comfort zone and muddling around a country where you don’t speak the language can leave you feeling empowered and confident. If you aren’t sure about venturing out alone, many tour companies offer special packages for singles, including cruise lines and international tours. Empty-nesting is a bit of a shock for any parent. After all, now you can accept a last-minute invite for evening drinks, as you don’t have car-pool duty tonight.

You may feel a serious sense of loss.

He said “empty nest” tended to happen later for many people as women are having children later in life and children are living at home for longer. In addition to returning to school and work outside the home, travel is another characteristic pursuit for empty nesters, and how many mark the actual transition. Soon after joining the ranks of empty nesters, Liz Cua traveled to the Buddhist country of Bhutan. Liz and her husband regularly visited far-flung locations with their children during the summer.

Now that your nest is empty, it’s the perfect time to focus on your relationship again. While it may take a bit of an adjustment to be alone together for such large chunks of time, it will be great for you both in the long run. Set aside time to do things together and include date nights into your plans. Wanting to cry when your children leave the nest is a normal reaction. Rather than deny your feelings or try to keep it bottled up, it’s important to honor your feelings.

Nothing at all wrong with how you feel and knowing what you want. They were mybstepchildren, but their mother was completely out of the picture. I love them like my own and I raised them.

I’m so grateful for my 50/50 custody because I can just cut loose and have a good time. I have a lot of different perspective since I have adult kids so I don’t think im as stressed out as traditional single/divorced parents. If you find yourself in this situation, take a deep breath and relax. While this new season in your life will take some getting used to, it can also be a time of great growth and exploration.

Instead of involving yourself directly, you can listen to and validate your child’s frustrations, still being a safe home base figure, without telling them what to do. Connect with single empty nesters through Meetup. Meetup is a website and app that allows people to connect based on similar interests. Groups can be started by anyone, and fun events are planned around the world.

Any good father will be very wary of introducing a new partner to his kids too soon. He’ll be careful about introducing you to his kids. You need to accept the fact that if things get serious with this man, then his kids are going to be a big part of your life. She will probably be feeling just as nervous as you about the situation, so you making the effort to show her you really want to make things work will help put her at ease. Dating a man who doesn’t have kids, you wouldn’t normally have to hear about or see his ex. They don’t have the time or the energy to make a fuss about something that’s not actually worth making a fuss about.

Our identities are fulfilled by the roles we play in our lives. The more meaningful a role has in our lives, the more space it takes up in our identities. Because of this, many empty-nesters feel a loss of their identity.

Lean into the feelings of loss and sadness. There is no way around it, you just have to walk through it. Know that it is normal to feel this grief and it is a part of your ever-changing role as a parent. Not surprisingly, many parents experience a profound sense of loss and uncertainty when their last—or their only—child leaves the nest.

Or, simply sign up for a woodworking, flower-arranging or cooking class to build an entirely new skillset. It takes a village to raise a child, they say. But, when the kids are all grown up your support might retreat. Be sure to let close friends and family know that you would still love to have their company or support. This seems like it’s a uniquely “dating over 40” topic.